The solar photovoltaic installation

The solar photovoltaic installation

There are two types of photovoltaic solar plant


  • On-grid solar photovoltaic system
  • Off-grid solar photovoltaic system


On-grid solar photovoltaic system

The photovoltaic solar plant type on-grid is made up of solar generators or the so-called photovoltaic panels; one or more inverters convert the DC current into AC current and electrical components for connection and protection.


Off-grid solar photovoltaic system

The difference between a solar photovoltaic system on-grid and a solar photovoltaic system off-grid focuses on the storage of electricity on batteries. A storage evaluated on function of consumer needs. On the roof (a house, a factory or building) or in a field, Gamco Energy designs a most suitable solar photovoltaic system to your needs. The solar photovoltaic panels can be arranged vertically or horizontally in order to have the ideal solution.


  • Photovoltaic panels

Solar cells, also called photovoltaic (PV) . convert sunlight directly into electricity : an inverter converts direct current into alternating current and feeds on the network or in batteries.

  • Inverter

An inverter converts the direct current into alternative current and route electricity safely to the network for the connected sites and in batteries for remote sites.

  • AC/DC Box

DC box: it receives the electricity generated by the photovoltaic panels ensuring the safety of the installation

AC box : it conveys the electricity generated to the network by protecting the facility and people

Avec Gamco Energy,With Gamco Energy, solar photovoltaic installation is quick, efficient and profitable


With Gamco Energy, experts in solar PV will meet all your needs, solve your problems and guide you to the best solar photovoltaic project with confidence.


Gamco Energy offers you a free planning of your file: analysis, technical and financial evaluation of your PV system


Gamco Energy guarantees you a professional technical team, trained and supervised to install your solar panels.

After-sale services

You can call 80 11 10 23, a helpline at your at your services

Key solution

To the satisfaction of our clients, GAMCO ENERGY uses only high quality materials. The satisfaction of our customers and durability of photovoltaic project, it is our goal.


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